
Pre-IPO family trust: key points to note Yumei Zhang TEP, STEP HONG KONG BRANCH NEWSLETTER Business owners considering raising funds from the public by having their private shares listed for sale on a regulated stock exchange (IPO) often need to think beyond the corporate aspect of the listing process. This means that while they work...
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Isle of Man Trust Law Reform: the Trusts and Trustees Act 2023   By the Trust and Trustees Act 2023, the Isle of Man introduced substantial reforms which bring its legislation in line with the most contemporary trust legal systems. This is achieved through amendments to the existing trusts legislation as well as through a...
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New regulated solutions in Switzerland – embedding the family office within a dedicated or private trust company  Jessica Schaedler, The International Family Offices Journal (Vol 8  Iss1) Introduction Private trust companies (PTCs) have gained significant popularity as wealth management tools among high-net-worth families worldwide. PTCs are particularly appealing to families with intricate assets as they...
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sud africa
SOUTH AFRICA: NEW REPORTING OBLIGATIONS FOR TRUSTEES In 2021, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) published its Mutual Evaluation Report on South Africa, summarizing the effectiveness of South Africa’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures. The main shortcomings related to the difficulties in obtaining accurate, updated, and adequate beneficial ownership information about companies and trusts...
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BO Registers
PUBLIC ACCESS TO BO REGISTERS – A LOOK BEYOND AND AHEAD In 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a preliminary judgment ruling that public access to information on beneficial ownership of companies incorporated in EU member states constitutes a “serious interference with the fundamental rights to respect for private life...
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Corporate Information

Capital Trustees AG
Trade and companies registry: Zürich No. CHE‑112.645.753
Intra-Community VAT number: CHE‑112.645.753
Registered office: Bleicherweg 50 – 8002 Zürich, Switzerland.
☏ +41 (0)44 512 5004

Branch office: Via Somaini 10 –
6900 Lugano, Switzerland.  ☏  +41 (0)91 210 5700